This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No [S-LIP-18-43].
gausi, kai gaidys kiaušinį sudės
Type number:3483
Formal main word of a type: gaidys
Semantic main word of a type:
Type reference:
Interpretation:Labai negreitai, niekad LKŽ III 17.
English interpretation:You will hardly get something. You will never get it.
Translation into Russian:Получишь, когда петух яичко снесет
Translation into German:Das kriegst du, wenn ein Hahn ein Ei legt
Translation into English:You will get it when the cock lays an egg
Number of variants:22
Sources of type variants: LMD: III 225(199) / ST: 62 / ŠD: 48 / LMD: I 705(960) / LMD: I 937(521) / TŽ: V 614(670) / KrvP: II (9358) / LST: 143 / SchLL: 108 / LKŽ: III 17 / LKŽ: X 1 / MžŽ: 184 / LTt V: 330(4422) / LKŽ: II 456 / TŽ: III 387(734) / LIRS-KrvR: F 1-319-734) / PP: 431 / LKŽ: XVII 36 / LTR: 4018(55/15) / LMD: I 671(1612) / LMD: I 931(172) / KrvP: II 126(9337)

Type associations:
- kas gero girdėti? - gaidys kiaušinius ėmė dėti
kada gaidys su rogėmis važiuos
kai saulė iš vakarų patekės

Type equivalents
Equivalent Language Source Page
Gaidi vieņ lai gailis olas dēj Latvian Kok 315
Przędzej kur jaja nieść zacznie Polish Ad-Krz II 253
Wenn der Hahn Eir legt German Wand II 272

This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No [S-LIP-18-43].