This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No [S-LIP-18-43].
- kas gero girdėti? - gaidys kiaušinius ėmė dėti
Type number:3509
Formal main word of a type: gaidys
Semantic main word of a type:
Type reference:
English interpretation:
Translation into Russian:– Что хорошего слыхать? – Петух стал яйца класть
Translation into German:– Was Gutes ist zu hören? – Der Hahn hat angefangen, Eier zu legen
Translation into English:– What’s the news ? –The cock has laid eggs
Comments:Humoristinis atsakymas į klausimą: "Kas girdėti?", "Kas gero girdėti?"
Number of variants:1
Sources of type variants: LTR: 5335(1127)

Type associations:
gausi, kai gaidys kiaušinį sudės
pasakysiu navyną - gaidys šaukia krikštynų

Type equivalents
Equivalent Language Source Page
– Kuo dzird jauna? – Suns apēda aunu Latvian Mīl II 102

This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No [S-LIP-18-43].