This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No [S-LIP-18-43].
- giminė? - ne, tik iki klupsčių
Type number:4656
Formal main word of a type: giminė
Semantic main word of a type:
Type reference:
Interpretation:Du suejį sako: „Gal gimine? – Ne ne, tik…“ 3993(86).
English interpretation:It is said when people are not relatives
Translation into Russian:Родня? – Нет, только до колен
Translation into German:Verwandt? – Nein, nur bis zum Knie
Translation into English:– Is he a kinsman? – No, only up to his knees.
Number of variants:2
Sources of type variants: LTR: 3993(86)

Type associations:
Type doesn't have associations

Type equivalents
Equivalent Language Source Page
The are no type equivalents

This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No [S-LIP-18-43].