This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No [S-LIP-18-43].
nesijuok, kad kaimyno pirtis dega
Type number:6591
Formal main word of a type: kaimynas
Semantic main word of a type:
Type reference:
Interpretation:Nereikia linkėti kitam blogo ir nesidžiaugti kitų nelaime 4017(76); Žmonės liepia nesijuokti, kad kitam koki nelaimė atsitiko, dažniausiai atsitink tas pats, kuris pasijuokė 1325(179).
English interpretation:Don't wish bad luck to others and don't cheer when they are in trouble.
Translation into Russian:Не смейся, когда горит баня соседа
Translation into German:Lach nicht, dass das Nachbarndampfbad brennt
Translation into English:Don’t laugh at your neighbour’s burning bathhouse.
Number of variants:36
Sources of type variants:

Type associations:
- Dega gryčia. - Ne giminė, bet vis tiek malonu
ne mano namai dega

Type equivalents
Equivalent Language Source Page
Es geht dich auch an, wenn deines Nachbars Haus brennt German Wand I 85
Look to thyself when thy neighbour's house is on fire English Oxf 560
Smejies, smejies, kad citam pirts deg, – ka tev pašam istaba nenodeg Latvian Kok 193
Wenn des Nachbars Haus brennt, so ist auch das deinige in Gefahr German Wand III 831
When the neighbor‘s house is on fire, beware of your own English DAP 427

This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No [S-LIP-18-43].