This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No [S-LIP-18-43].
gausi, kada lenciūgas pažaliuos
Type number:10266
Formal main word of a type: lenciūgas
Semantic main word of a type:
Type reference:
Interpretation:Niekada negausi.
English interpretation:You will never get it.
Translation into Russian:
Translation into German:
Translation into English:You will get (sth) when a chain turns green
Number of variants:1
Sources of type variants: LMD - I 261(212)

Type associations:
atiduos, kad akmuo žaliuos
atiduos, kai kuolai žaliuos

Type equivalents
Equivalent Language Source Page
The are no type equivalents

This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No [S-LIP-18-43].