This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No [S-LIP-18-43].
lenkai iš vaško padaro šūdą, o vokiečiai - iš šūdo vašką
Type number:10276
Formal main word of a type: lenkas
Semantic main word of a type:
Type reference:
English interpretation:
Translation into Russian:
Translation into German:
Translation into English:The Polish make shit out of wax, and the German make wax out of shit
Number of variants:1
Sources of type variants: LTR - 4733(137/2)

Type associations:
iš šūdo vaško neišsunksi

Type equivalents
Equivalent Language Source Page
The are no type equivalents

This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No [S-LIP-18-43].