This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No [S-LIP-18-43].
kam tu kelnes nešioji?
Type number:7764
Formal main word of a type: kelnės
Semantic main word of a type:
Type reference:
Interpretation:Kas tu per vyras – kam tu kelnes nešioji? (jei vyras padaro ką nors nevyriško) 1446(42).
English interpretation:
Translation into Russian:Зачем ты носишь штаны? (говорят, если мужчина поступил не по­мужски)
Translation into German:Wozu trägst du die Hose? (man sagt, wenn ein Mann etwas nicht Männliches macht)
Translation into English:Why do you wear trousers?
Number of variants:1
Sources of type variants:

Type associations:
kad tik su kelnėm - ir vyras
ne tas vyras, kuris kelnes dėvi

Type equivalents
Equivalent Language Source Page
The are no type equivalents

This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No [S-LIP-18-43].